How to: Move a Linux running process to a screen shell session

Use case:

  • You just started a process (i.e. compile, copy, etc).
  • You noticed it will take much longer than expected to finish.
  • You cannot abort or risk the process to get aborted due to the current shell session finishing.
  • It would be ideal to have this process on ‘screen’ to have it running on backgroud.

We can move it to a screen session with the following steps:

  1. Suspend the process
    1. press Ctrl+Z
  2. Resume the process in the background
    1. bg
  3. Disown the process
    1. disown %1
  4. Launch a screen session
    1. screen
  5. Find the PID of the process
    1. pgrep myappname
  6. Use reptyr to take over the process
    1. reptyr 1234


Note: at the moment of writing this, reptyr is not available on any Fedore/Redhat repo. We’ll need to compile:

$ git clone
$ cd reptyr/
$ make
$ sudo make install





1 thought on “How to: Move a Linux running process to a screen shell session

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